
St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary

Learning together as we follow in the footsteps of Christ

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You have guided me all these years into doing what's right.  I owe you a big thank you.

Yr 6 Pupil - July 2024

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for all the incredible work you have done, your dedication, patience and passion for teaching have made a significant impact on XXXX's learning journey.  He has grown not only accademically but also personally.  Thank you for the supportive and nurturing environment you created, your efforts to make lessons engaging and meaningful truly inspired him.


We deeply appreciate the extra time and effort you have invested in helping XXXX succeed and he has throughly enjoyed being part of St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary School and has cherished the friendships and experiences gained through all the years.  Thank you once again for your unwaivering support and for making school years so important and memorable for XXXX and his family too.

Anon - July 2024

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the exceptional support and kindness shown by SMSM.

Anon July 2024


Thank you for the opportunity to work at SMSM.  I've really enjoyed working with your team and getting to know the children.  I will remember my time with great fondness.

Mrs Harris - Y6 teacher 2024

Just a quick note to say Monday’s leavers' evening was another fantastic production.  The singing was brilliant, and they all did amazing with reading their lines! A huge well done for those involved.

Appreciative family member - July 2024


I wanted to say that I have had such an enriching time at SMSM.  The whole staff team made me feel so welcome and part of the ‘family’ as soon as I began teaching here.  I have felt supported throughout and I shall cherish my time here teaching the amazing children  at this wonderful school

- Mrs Marson-Smith Y2 Agency Teacher - Nov 2023 - May 2024

What a pleasure it has been to read this wonderful assessment of our school and the work you and your colleagues undertake. The assessors findings have been so good to read. You should all be so pleased and proud of the work you do and the pupils who attend the school together with the support you encourage from parents and guardians.

Many congratulations to you and your team. It is so important for our next generation to have a really good start in their lives, to develop a meaningful Catholic faith and to live their learning so well. They have the best environment at St Mary and St Michael school!

- School Committee Member on reading our RE Inspection Report March 2024

I just wanted to say thank you to you and everyone at your school. Despite all the ‘extra’ events happening this week, everyone has been so helpful and considerate towards me. I have felt very valued and welcomed!  I have loved working in year 6 (and 5 and 1!) and am already looking forwards to coming back - Supply teacher February 2024

I love coming into your school. It is a great school that’s why I send my children there and you do a great job with them as they learn so much they put my knowledge of things to shame - Parent February 2024

Thank you to Year 2 for all the lovely cards they made.  The house bound people were so moved - their faces lit up.  Many of the cards are still propped up in their rooms and they still talk about them.  Thank you!

Tich Harvey ~ Eucharistic Minister ~ February 2024


The Readers and Bidding prayer readers were very good, absolutely fantastic, perfect.

Sincere appreciation ~ Fr Inna Children's Mass February 2024

Dear Mrs Partington

Thank you so much for all the work you have done this term.

It has been so great to know there is someone at school who understands him and we are sure it has really helped his transaction into his new year group.

Our son has loved his sessions with you!

You are great :0)

- Parents - December 2023

You have a great team of people there and the kids are very sweet ~

F Moran (UK Supply teacher) December 2023

Thanks so much for inviting me to today’s performance by KS1 students.

It was a special production. The pupils did so well and the great input from your team really showed. The costumes were brilliant and I loved all the donkey ears!

I enjoyed it very much and it has added such a lot to my preparation for Christmas. It was a privilege to be present.

Could you please pass my congratulations and thanks to all involved

~ Andrew - School Committee Member Dec 2023

The performance was magical.  The children sang beautifully and we were very impressed with their signing too ~ Grandparents following our Christmas Carol Concert December 2023

The children were so well-behaved, their singing was lovely and so were their dance moves! 

Kath ~ following the Christmas Dress Rehearsal for the elderly in our community December 2023

The pupils were excellently prepared and read clearly and confidently during Mass.

Deacon Mark ~ 5th November 2023 - 5th November 2023 

Thank you to the school community for their role in Mass.  The children and staff work so hard.

School Committee Member ~ A. Mills ~ Children's Mass 5th November 2023

There is a wonderful sense of family and community at SMSM.  It was a pleasure teaching Year 3.  The staff were incredibly friendly and welcoming from the outset and I loved my time there.

Miss Finnerty ~ October 2023

It was a lovely Children's Mass this morning and great to see so many children and families there.

Judy - Our Lady Star of the Sea Music Group - October 2023

I love going to Mass.

Isabelle & Dylan ~ Mass of Ss Michael, Raphael and Gabriel 29th September 2023

I loved working at your school and I loved my class. 

UK Supply Teacher Sept 2023

The pupils' behaviour was excellent.  They received Holy Communion with reverence.

Canon Chris Rutledge ~ Mass of Ss Peter & Paul 2023 

The children's singing throughout Mass was amazing.

Fr Inna Reddy ~ End of School Year Mass 2023

The children's behaviour during Mass is always outstanding.

Our Lady Star of the Sea parishioner ~ End of School Year Mass 2023

From the moment I arrived, I was warmly welcomed and made to feel part of the St Mary & St Michael family.  The children I taught in Y2 were an absolute pleasure to teach and all the staff were incredibly helpful and supportive.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time at this small and friendly school.

Mr Crick (Y2 UK Agency teacher July 2023)

To Miss Willetts

Thank you for everything you have done for me during my time at primary school.

Y6 leaver 2023

Dear Miss Willetts

Thank you for guiding me in my journey through primary school, and doing and organising so much for us.

I am grateful for every time you have been there for my and my class throughout the years.

Thank you!

I hope you will always remember me and I will hopefully see you soon!

Y6 leaver 2023


Just a quick message to say WOW what another amazing year 6 leavers' evening.

To hear them sing, you would never know that there were only 13 of them, they were all so good from where I sat, I could hear every single one of them singing!

Thank you for all the hard work that went into putting on tonight, it really is appreciated by all the parents and the gifts they received are a lovely memento of their time at the school...can't believe it's my last one crying


Year 6 parent 2023

To Miss Willetts

Thank you for guiding me from Year R - Year Six and helping me to like a good, Catholic and healthy life.


Y6 leaver 2023

The children's knowledge of the Bible is amazing.

Parish Catechist 2023

Y5 are such a lovely group of children

PACE, following 1st session of OT Mini ~ Sept 2023
