
St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary

Learning together as we follow in the footsteps of Christ

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Catholic Social Teaching in action at our School

Fund Raising 2024

Mission Together Fund raiser for children in Kannagi Nagar, Chennai, India ~ November 2023

Advent Fundraising achievements 2023:
Reception class - £28.66
Y1 - £23.00
Y2 - £22.15
Y3 - £26.20
Y4 - £24.74
Y5 - £15.70
Y6 - £62.47
Thank you to each class and a special mention to Y6 who raised the most.
Our Carol Concert retiring collections raised £265 and the 'Lucky Dip' raised £22.08 making a grand total of £490.
Thank you all for your generosity at this time of year.
We shall be supporting:
Aid to the Church in Need
and supporting the construction of a well in a village in Bamenda, Cameroon.

2023 School Nativity for our OAP visitors followed by mince pies and refreshments

Bright Tights 2023

Cake Sale 2023

Preferential option for the poor. Some people need extra help.

Solidarity ~ We are one big family

Shoe Box Appeal 2023 - we've made a great start so far....

£250 raised to support CAFOD and medical outreach teams in Pakistan 6th October 2023

Cake Sale following our Children's Mass October 2023 raises funds for Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)

Church cleaning and flower arranging rota - September 2023




July 2023


A cake sale following Children's Mass raised £92 for children in Bamenda.

We raised a fantastic £600 for CAFOD during our Advent 2022 fundraisers.

Guernsey Shoe Box Appeal 2022 - wishing happy Christmas to children in Ukraine and Romania

Bright Tights 2022

Catholic Social Teaching. Who is my neighbour? Luke 10 25-37
