
St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary

Learning together as we follow in the footsteps of Christ

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It is very important to us that all children at St Mary & St Michael are safe and happy. As a school we take our responsibility for safeguarding very seriously. 


The Designated Safeguarding Lead's role is to ensure all children are safe from harm and that the school carries out its safeguarding responsibilities.  If a parent has any concern they should come and talk to Miss Willetts or Mr Mercer as soon as possible.  Please be assured that your concern will be treated promptly, discreetly and in confidence.


Designated Safeguarding Lead                         

Miss Willetts, Headteacher


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Mr Mercer, Deputy Headteacher


Should any parent, or member of the public, have immediate concerns for a child's safety, they should contact Guernsey Police on 999 immediately.                                                             

Whisper Anonymous Safeguarding Reporting


Whisper provides everyone in the school community a safe place to talk, report or highlight issues and concerns. When you don’t know where to go or who to turn to, Whisper can provide a light in the dark.


Whisper allows you to report any issues or concerns you may be having, anonymously, through SMS messaging or via email.


If you need to report anything, please follow the link


Alternatively, you can send a message to 07860 021 323 starting your message with MMP1 to report via SMS


The school will respond as soon as we can.


For more information on Whisper, please use the following links from SWGfL (South West Grid for Learning – a charity who specialise in online safety and developed Whisper)


Whisper Home Page

What is anonymous reporting?

Frequently asked questions


Multi Agency Support Hub 

If you are concerned about a child, you should contact the Multi-Agency Support Hub (MASH) by calling 01481 223182.

An Emergency Duty Team is also available out of hours by calling 01481 222222 and asking for the Emergency Duty Team to report a child protection emergency.

More information can be found on the Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership (ISCP) website. 

Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership (ISCP)


Operation Encompass

Our School uses Operation Encompass which is a Police and education early information sharing partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support for children experiencing domestic abuse.
