St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary School are pleased to offer our very popular breakfast club run daily by Miss Sykes, Mr Jehan and Mr Corson from 7.50am to 8.50am.
The cost of this provision is £3.00 per child per day. Breakfast includes apple or orange juice, toast with butter or margerine and a selection of cereals – Cornflakes, Shreddies, Weetabix, Special K (i.e. healthy cereals that are not suger coated or chocolate). This nutritous breakfast is endorsed by health professionals and upholds our Healthy School status.
This is a non-profit making club. We purely wish to provide a service to parents and carers for their children. If you would like your child to join the club but finances inhibit, please do come in and see Ms Willetts.
We ask that no mobile devices are brought to Breakfast Club. We will provide a box of resources for children to play with.
Once the children have eaten, some parents may be happy for their child to leave the club and go into the playground to play or they may wish for their child to remain in club for the duration. Please ensure you stipulate this on the form.
We also recommend that pupils bring their toothbrush and paste to school so that they may brush their teeth after breakfast.
Although, we do have records of children’s allergies and medical needs, please will you reiterate this information when completing the form.
An invoice will be issued at the beginning of each term and we are happy to accept cash or cheques (payable to St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary School) or if you prefer paid directly into the school bank account.
Children attending club are requested to enter school independently via the Junior entrance (and not the Main entrance). They must take their coat and belongings into the Hall (and not to the cloakrooms).
If you would like your child/children to attend please ask for a Breakfast Club form from the school office or download one here.