
St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary

Learning together as we follow in the footsteps of Christ

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Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching calls us to work for the common good, help build a just society, uphold the dignity of human life and work for justice and the dignity of all our brothers and sisters, especially those in the greatest need.


At St Mary & St Michael, we teach our children about the 7 principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST): Human Dignity, Solidarity, The Common Good, Participation, Options for the Poor, Subsidiarity and Stewardship and aim to demonstrate these in our lives.  As Catholics, we believe that it is our role to help others in need and care for the world we have been given.


Staff and pupils gather together daily to experience liturgical prayer and experience a holy encounter with Our Lord.  Liturgical Prayer is rooted in the principles of CST, and will often extend these ideas through reflection and action back in class, within our families, local community and globally. Central to everything, and the rules that guide the children, are our School Values.  These values are based on the Gospel values. Our School Values are celebrated every week and allow the children to think about how they can care for others in school, the community and further afield. We encourage the children to live their faith, working with Catholic global organisations such as CAFODCaritas, Rotarian Christmas Shoe Box appeal as well as local causes such as 'Bright Tights Day' and Bowel Cancer Awareness.


We fundraise regularly for a variety of charities chosen by the children. These charities may be chosen by classes or year groups and may be a response to a current issue, or linked to RE topics.



Stewardship in Action
